Team Coaching Atlanta


Coach Profiles:
The Team Coaching Approach
Assessment Overview
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 Articles and associations that provide additional information regarding the coaching profession or our Team Coaching Atlanta's niche.

All coaches in Team Coaching Atlanta are members of the International Coach Federation. Founded in 1995, the International Coach Federation (ICF) is the leading global organization dedicated to advancing the art, science and practice of the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification, and building a worldwide network of professional credentialed coaches, in order to ensure the good reputation of the craft. Today, the ICF has over 15,000 members in nearly 90 countries and 160 chapters in 49 countries.


International Coach Federation

Team Coaching International (TCI) is a global consulting firm that delivers professional coaching services, diagnostic products and training, to create high-performing, sustainable, inspired teams.


Team Coaching International

We will be updating these links frequently so be sure to check back often.

Team Coaching Diagnostic Authorized Distributors